Brow Lift

Over time the skin starts losing its elasticity. In the eyebrow and front area, the first signs of ageing are usually seen. This sagging can accumulate over the eyes over time and reach the level which even reduces the vision of the patient. A tired, nervous and tense appearance can be caused by a sluggish eyebrow, which affects facial expression. An eyebrow lift can be carried out in such cases.


  • What Techniques are There for Brow Lift?

Lifting of the eyebrow can be done by operation or non-surgery. There are some advantages and disadvantages of both procedures. Surgical methods include conventional lifting and the endoscopic lifting of the eyes. Thread lifting systems, botox and HIFU are non-surgical methods.


  • How is Botox Brow Lift Performed?

The first step in the application of botox eyebrow lift is to develop an eyebrow shape that is suited to your face. The eyebrow is pulled to the position on the face and harmonized to the face. Both dermatologists and plastic surgeons can plan and apply botox eyebrow lift operations by calculating a golden ratio.


  • What is a Non-Surgical HIFU Brow Lift?

The name of a system that provides tightening and renewing to the skin is HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound). The majority of Laser or RF Systems only affect the skin and not deep tissues or facial structures under the skin as they impact the skin and can only reach a depth of 1-2 mm. Using the HIFU technology, up to 4.5 mm depth of skin can be reached without creating a skin scar. It takes almost 10 minutes for a non-surgical eyebrow lift. Although immediately after the procedure the effects of eyebrow lifts can be seen, they generally reach the desired effect in three months.


  • What is Endoscopic Brow Lift? How is it Performed?

There are many lifting methods, but the most recent technique is with the help of small cameras which are called endoscopes, without leaving any cut-offs or scars. It can be done under general or local anaesthesia supported by sedation. During endoscopic eyebrow lifting procedures, small holes can be created from several locations in the interior of the scalp without bleeding and leaving any scar. The curative tissue is prevented by this method, and the healing time with less swelling is much shorter. After the surgery, painkillers are sufficient to treat pain because there is no unpleasant pain. After an average of 10 days, the stitches are removed. Since the skin scar remains in the scalp, no mixture of the hair is visible.


  • What is Eyebrow Thread Lift and How is it Performed?

An eyebrow thread lift is a simple way by using local anaesthesia. It is a small dissolvable thread that is inserted into your face, pulling your skin up. The drawback of this method is that it does not have the desired effect. After some time the eyebrows return to their former place. Although specially designed threads are used to address this problem, eyebrows may decrease between 6 months and 2 years depending on the frequency of use of facial expressions.


  • How is the Healing Process After a Brow Lift Procedure?

Tape and dressing around your eyebrows are applied after removal. During this time, you can use cold compresses to reduce oedema on your forehead. Swelling on your forehead is quite normal during the postoperative period. But it is not very common to bruise. In this case, it is advisable to contact your doctor. You can clean your hair carefully and gently on the third day after the operation. On the seventh day after the surgery, stitches are removed. Patients usually feel healed mostly at the end of the first week, when their foreheads are slightly swelling. You may have trouble moving your eyebrows and forehead temporarily, but be aware that all are expected during normal recovery.


  • What is the Cost of a Brow Lift in Turkey?

When it comes to plastic surgery, Turkey is one of the most reliable countries. A large number of surgeries are performed every year due to its qualified medical staff, good outcomes and reasonable prices. The cost of plastic surgery depends on the needs and the anatomy of the patient. Fortunately, it is 50-60 per cent cheaper in Turkey relative to prices in Europe, thanks to Turkey’s medical staff and competitive prices.


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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does recovery take after eyebrow lift?

It can take 10 to 14 days for initial wound healing to take place. When it is necessary, sutures or clips will be removed. After 10-14 days, you should be able to return to work and daily activities.

Does a brow lift help hooded eyes?

For those who have short,’ hooded’ brows or who have experienced a sagging of the brow region (brow ptosis) as they age, brow lifts are suitable.

Is eyebrow lift surgery painful?

Sutures or staples may close your incisions, which are usually removed around 1 week after surgery. After a brow raise, patients usually experience relatively little pain, although it is normal to feel mild pressure and a feeling of tightness around the brow.

What age is ideal to get a brow lift?

Many of the applicants for brow lift are between the ages of 40 and 65. But younger patients who may have a genetic disposition to a high brow or thick “worry lines” between the brows may undergo the treatment.

Do I need a brow lift or blepharoplasty?

A Blepharoplasty will benefit you more if you have significant drooping, sagging, or puffing of the upper and lower eyelids. For patients who really have droopy eyebrows, their appearance can be greatly improved by a brow lift.